Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"This Porridge is Just Right"

Another treasure for Stumptown! Can't wait to get back and throw some gray tones on dis mah fugguh!

Hawt Dawg!

I made this lil number for Stumptown this year. I tried to make this and the comic above in 2 weeks, so hopefully any imperfections will be forgiven. These silly/cheesy strips will come together to make my..um...masterpiece? In hopes to git...published? *COUGH* Prepare yourself for "Hawt Dawg"-a Jesse Dewyer joint!

Not bad for 2 weeks! A friend pointed out that the lettering could be tighter, so once I get back from Stumptown I'll tinker with a font-making program.

working title: "Melting Patterns"

This is the start of the first comic by the dynamic duo that is "The New Mexican Disaster Squad" (writer Jenny Kladzyk and myself) PEEP IT, YO!
